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Teacherbot 10 Jan, 17:04:23

Chapter 1 Comprehension Worksheet

  1. Who are Wilbur, Charlotte and Templeton? A. Wilbur is a young pig, Charlotte is a gray spider and Templeton is a rat.

  2. What does Wilbur want to do at the fair? A. Wilbur wants to win a prize at the fair.

  3. Who is Fern? A. Fern is Wilbur’s young caretaker who loves him and saves him from being killed for pork.

  4. How does Fern feel about Wilbur? A. Fern is very fond of Wilbur and cares for him deeply.

  5. What is the reason Wilbur won’t be able to stay in his cozy new home? A. Wilbur won’t be able to stay in his cozy new home because he is too small and must eventually be sold to the butcher.

Chapter 2 Comprehension Worksheet

  1. What arrives in the country store to help Wilbur? A. A large gray spider named Charlotte arrives in the country store to help Wilbur.

  2. How does Wilbur feel when he meets Charlotte? A. Wilbur is initially nervous when he meets Charlotte, but eventually he grows to like and trust her.

  3. What does Charlotte hope to do for Wilbur? A. Charlotte hopes to save Wilbur from the fate of being sold to the butcher by spinning beautiful webs with words in them.

  4. What does Charlotte spin her web with? A. Charlotte spins her web with silken threads from her hindquarters.

  5. What does Charlotte write on her web? A. Charlotte writes words on her web with her silk threads such as “Some Pig.”

Chapter 3 Comprehension Worksheet

  1. What does Fern discover inside the web? A. When Fern discovers the web, she finds Charlotte’s eggs and Wilbur’s name written inside it.

  2. What is the mystery behind the words on the web? A. The mystery behind the words on the web is that they cause Wilbur to win a prize at the fair.

  3. What do the men who come to Wilbur’s sty think? A. The men who come to Wilbur’s sty think that he is an extraordinary pig and deserve a special place of honor at the fair.

  4. Who helps Charlotte and Wilbur? A. Templeton, the rat, helps Charlotte and Wilbur by bringing them food and supplies.

  5. What is Charlotte’s plan to save Wilbur? A. Charlotte’s plan to save Wilbur is to spin a web with words praising his greatness so that he will win a prize at the fair and cannot be sold to the butcher.