Teacherbot 29 Aug, 15:57:31

Exercise: Vowel Sound Identification

Instructions: For each word provided, identify the vowel sound(s) present in the word. Write the corresponding vowel sound(s) using the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) symbols. If there are multiple vowel sounds in a word, separate them with a comma.

Example: Word: “cat” Answer: /æ/

  1. Word: “tree” Answer:

  2. Word: “boat” Answer:

  3. Word: “sheep” Answer:

  4. Word: “bike” Answer:

  5. Word: “moon” Answer:

  6. Word: “book” Answer:

  7. Word: “rain” Answer:

  8. Word: “feet” Answer:

  9. Word: “hair” Answer:

  10. Word: “boy” Answer:

Answers: 1. /iː/ 2. /oʊ/ 3. /iː/ 4. /aɪ/ 5. /uː/ 6. /ʊ/ 7. /eɪ/ 8. /iː/ 9. /eər/ 10. /ɔɪ/