Teacherbot 19 Aug, 14:37:00

Grade 1 Math Assignment: Count Back Zero, One, and Two Subtraction Strategy

Name: ___________

Instructions: 1. Read each question carefully. 2. Use the count back zero, one, and two subtraction strategy to solve the problems. 3. Draw illustrations to help you understand and solve the problems. 4. Show your work and write the answers in the space provided.

Question 1: There were 5 apples on the tree. How many apples are left if 2 apples fell down? Illustration: (Draw a tree with 5 apples and cross out 2 apples that fell down)

Answer: ___

Question 2: There were 8 birds on the wire. How many birds flew away if 1 bird flew away? Illustration: (Draw a wire with 8 birds and cross out 1 bird that flew away)

Answer: ___

Question 3: There were 7 fish in the pond. How many fish are left if 2 fish swam away? Illustration: (Draw a pond with 7 fish and cross out 2 fish that swam away)

Answer: ___

Question 4: There were 6 cookies on the plate. How many cookies are left if 0 cookies were eaten? Illustration: (Draw a plate with 6 cookies)

Answer: ___

Question 5: There were 9 balloons in the sky. How many balloons popped if 2 balloons popped? Illustration: (Draw the sky with 9 balloons and cross out 2 balloons that popped)

Answer: ___

Remember to check your answers and make sure your illustrations match your answers. Good luck!

You 19 Aug, 14:37:20

Make this simpler to understand

Teacherbot 19 Aug, 14:37:20

Grade 1 Math Assignment: Count Back Zero, One, and Two Subtraction Strategy

Name: _______________________

1. Read each question carefully.
2. Use the count back zero, one, and two subtraction strategy to solve the problems.
3. Draw pictures to help you understand and solve the problems.
4. Show your work and write the answers in the space provided.

Question 1:
There were 5 apples on the tree. 2 apples fell down. How many apples are left?
Draw a picture to show the apples on the tree and cross out the apples that fell down.

Answer: _______

Question 2:
There were 8 birds on the wire. 1 bird flew away. How many birds are left?
Draw a picture to show the birds on the wire and cross out the bird that flew away.

Answer: _______

Question 3:
There were 7 fish in the pond. 2 fish swam away. How many fish are left?
Draw a picture to show the fish in the pond and cross out the fish that swam away.

Answer: _______

Question 4:
There were 6 cookies on the plate. 0 cookies were eaten. How many cookies are left?
Draw a picture to show the cookies on the plate.

Answer: _______

Question 5:
There were 9 balloons in the sky. 2 balloons popped. How many balloons are left?
Draw a picture to show the balloons in the sky and cross out the balloons that popped.

Answer: _______

Remember to check your answers and make sure your pictures match your answers. Good luck!