Understand and apply multiplication and division concepts and strategies to solve problems: Students will be able to demonstrate an understanding of multiplication and division concepts, including the relationship between the two operations. They will be able to use various strategies, such as repeated addition, equal groups, and arrays, to solve multiplication and division problems.
Develop fluency with addition and subtraction within 1,000: Students will be able to fluently add and subtract numbers within 1,000 using various strategies, such as using place value, number lines, and mental math. They will be able to solve word problems involving addition and subtraction and explain their reasoning.
Solve problems involving fractions and understand fraction equivalence: Students will be able to represent fractions using models, such as number lines and area models, and understand the concept of equivalent fractions. They will be able to compare and order fractions, add and subtract fractions with like denominators, and solve word problems involving fractions.
Measure and estimate lengths using standard units: Students will be able to measure and estimate lengths using standard units, such as inches, feet, centimeters, and meters. They will be able to solve problems involving addition and subtraction of lengths and convert between different units of measurement.
Represent and interpret data: Students will be able to collect, organize, and represent data using various graphs, such as bar graphs and pictographs. They will be able to interpret data and answer questions based on the information presented in the graphs.
Understand and apply geometric concepts: Students will be able to identify and classify two-dimensional shapes, such as triangles, quadrilaterals, and polygons. They will be able to understand the attributes of shapes, such as sides, angles, and symmetry, and use them to solve problems. They will also be able to understand and apply concepts of area and perimeter.
Develop an understanding of time and money: Students will be able to tell and write time to the nearest minute using analog and digital clocks. They will be able to solve problems involving elapsed time and understand the concept of AM and PM. They will also be able to count and make change using coins and bills, and solve problems involving money.
Develop an understanding of patterns and algebraic thinking: Students will be able to identify, extend, and create patterns using numbers, shapes, and objects. They will be able to solve problems involving patterns and use variables and symbols to represent unknown quantities in equations. They will also be able to understand and apply the properties of operations, such as the commutative and associative properties.