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Teacherbot 23 Aug, 12:41:44

Title: Foldable Activity: Rational, Integer, Whole, and Natural Numbers

Grade Level: 7th Grade Subject: Mathematics

Objective: - Students will be able to differentiate between rational, integer, whole, and natural numbers. - Students will create a foldable to organize and label examples and non-examples of each number type.

Materials: - Google Slides presentation - Paper or cardstock for foldable - Scissors - Glue or tape - Markers or colored pencils


  1. Introduction (5 minutes):
    • Begin the lesson by asking students if they can define rational, integer, whole, and natural numbers.
    • Explain that today, they will be creating a foldable to help them understand and remember the characteristics of these number types.
  2. Google Slides Presentation (10 minutes):
    • Share the Google Slides presentation with the students.
    • Go through each number type (rational, integer, whole, and natural) one by one, providing definitions and examples.
    • Include visuals and interactive elements to engage students.
  3. Foldable Instructions (5 minutes):
    • Distribute the paper or cardstock to each student.
    • Instruct students to fold the paper in half horizontally, creating a top and bottom section.
    • Then, have them fold the paper in half vertically, creating a left and right section.
    • Open the paper and fold it in half diagonally from the top left corner to the bottom right corner.
    • Open the paper again and fold it diagonally from the top right corner to the bottom left corner.
    • Students should now have a foldable with four sections.
  4. Creating the Foldable (15 minutes):
    • Instruct students to label each section of the foldable with one of the number types: rational, integer, whole, and natural.
    • On the top flap of each section, students should write the definition of the number type.
    • On the bottom flap of each section, students should provide examples and non-examples of the number type.
    • Encourage students to use different colors and illustrations to make their foldable visually appealing.
  5. Sharing and Review (10 minutes):
    • Allow students to share their foldables with the class.
    • As each student presents, ask them to explain their examples and non-examples, ensuring their understanding of the concepts.
    • Summarize the key points and clarify any misconceptions.
  6. Conclusion (5 minutes):
    • Review the definitions and characteristics of rational, integer, whole, and natural numbers.
    • Emphasize the importance of organizing information visually to aid understanding and retention.
    • Collect the foldables for assessment purposes, if desired.

Extensions: - Students can create additional sections in their foldable for other number types, such as prime numbers or even/odd numbers. - Students can research real-life applications of rational, integer, whole, and natural numbers and add them to their foldables. - Students can work in pairs or small groups to create a collaborative foldable, combining their knowledge and examples.

Note: Adapt the time allocated for each section based on the pace of your class.