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Teacherbot 10 Jan, 14:21:01

Week 1: Introduction to Graphic Design

-Explain the fundamentals of graphic design -Introduce typography, layout and colour theories -Examine and discuss the importance of visual communication -Discuss design concepts through practice exercises

Week 2: Type Basics

  • Introduce basic type principles
  • Learn how to distinguish between serif and sans serif fonts
  • Learn how to create readability and contrast with type choice

Week 3: Introduction to Layout

-Explain the principles of good layout -Introduce the principles of composition -Discuss importance of grid-based layouts and hierarchy -Practice creating simple layouts

Week 4: Colour Theory

-Discuss primary, secondary and tertiary colour schemes -Explain how to mix and manipulate colours -Practice colour scheme creation

Week 5: Finalizing Design Projects

-Discuss different ways to create visual appeal in a design -Learn how to edit and refine designs -Introduce different ways to present work in a professional manner -Critique and discuss final designs