Teacherbot 22 Jan, 15:02:05


  1. Start by making connections with the text: Ask students to make connections with the text from the first time they interact with it. Make use of pictures and illustrations in the text, and ask students to make connections to their own lives or experiences.

  2. Model good fluent reading: Encourage students to follow along and engage with the text. Model a fluent, expressive reading and ask students to follow you in speaking without long pauses. A large chart paper and markers can be used to write down interesting words or topics as you read.

  3. Involve the whole class: Ask all students to participate by finding out unknown words, making predictions, and discussing opinions. Shared reading is not just about the teacher reading, but about engaging and transforming the text into meaningful interactions.

  4. Use props: Use props like cards and objects to help students identify characters or engage in activities that support the text.

  5. Ask open-ended questions: Ask open-ended questions as you read in order to create conversations. Asking questions and checking for student understanding can help keep the class interested and engaged.

  6. Make it hands-on: Find a way to make shared reading hands-on and interactive. This could be through having students take turns reading passages, or asking the students to draw a picture about the text.