Title: Investigating the Effects of Temperature on the Rate of Seed Germination
Objective: The objective of this two-day science lab is to introduce 6th-grade students to the scientific method by conducting an experiment to determine the effects of temperature on the rate of seed germination.
Materials: 1. Bean seeds (20 per student) 2. Petri dishes or small containers (20 per student) 3. Potting soil 4. Water 5. Thermometers 6. Heat sources (e.g., heating pad, heat lamp, hot water bath) 7. Labels or markers 8. Data collection sheets 9. Timer or stopwatch 10. Safety goggles
Day 1:
- Introduction (15 minutes):
- Explain the scientific method and its steps: observation, question, hypothesis, experiment, data analysis, and conclusion.
- Present the objective of the lab and explain the importance of seed germination in plant growth.
- Hypothesis (10 minutes):
- Instruct students to form a hypothesis about the effects of temperature on seed germination.
- Encourage them to base their hypothesis on prior knowledge or research.
- Experimental setup (20 minutes):
- Distribute the materials to each student or group.
- Instruct students to label their petri dishes or containers with the temperature conditions they will test (e.g., room temperature, warm, cold).
- Students should place two seeds in each petri dish or container, cover them with potting soil, and water them appropriately.
- Place the petri dishes or containers in different temperature zones (room temperature, near a heat source, and in a cooler area).
- Data collection (5 minutes):
- Instruct students to record the starting temperature of each petri dish or container using a thermometer.
- Provide them with data collection sheets to record their observations.
Day 2:
- Data collection and analysis (15 minutes):
- Instruct students to observe and record the number of germinated seeds in each petri dish or container.
- Students should also record the final temperature of each dish or container.
- Discuss the importance of collecting accurate data and the need for multiple trials.
- Conclusion (20 minutes):
- Guide students in analyzing their data and drawing conclusions.
- Discuss the relationship between temperature and seed germination rate based on their observations.
- Encourage students to compare their results with their initial hypothesis and explain any discrepancies.
- Presentation (10 minutes):
- Allow students to present their findings to the class.
- Encourage them to discuss their experimental setup, data, and conclusions.
- Facilitate a class discussion to compare and contrast the results obtained by different groups.
- Reflection and Discussion (10 minutes):
- Engage students in a discussion about the importance of the scientific method in conducting experiments.
- Encourage them to reflect on the challenges they faced during the lab and how they could improve their experiment in the future.
Note: Ensure that safety precautions are followed throughout the lab, such as wearing safety goggles and handling materials carefully.