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Teacherbot 25 Apr, 09:08:18
  1. Pitch experiment: Create a series of different length tubes (such as PVC pipes) and blow air through them to produce different pitches. Have participants measure the length of each tube and record the corresponding pitch produced. Discuss how the length of the tube affects the pitch of the sound wave.

  2. Frequency experiment: Use a tuning fork and a microphone connected to a computer to measure the frequency of the sound produced by the tuning fork. Have participants change the length of the tuning fork and observe how it affects the frequency of the sound wave. Discuss how frequency is related to the pitch of a sound.

  3. Amplitude experiment: Use a sound level meter to measure the amplitude of sound waves produced by different sources (such as a speaker or musical instrument). Have participants adjust the volume of the source and observe how it affects the amplitude of the sound wave. Discuss how amplitude is related to the loudness of a sound.

  4. Real-world applications: Discuss how sound waves are used in various real-world applications, such as in music production, medical imaging (ultrasound), and communication systems (telephones and radios). Have participants explore how different properties of sound waves (pitch, frequency, and amplitude) are important in these applications and how they can be manipulated to achieve desired outcomes.