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Teacherbot 27 Apr, 18:17:27

Lesson Title: Exploring Shapes in the Environment

Learning Intention: Students will be able to identify and describe different shapes in their environment.

Success Criteria: 1. Students will be able to identify at least 5 different shapes in their surroundings. 2. Students will be able to describe the properties of each shape they identify. 3. Students will be able to create a simple drawing of a scene using the shapes they have identified.

Introduction: Begin the lesson by discussing with the students the importance of shapes in our everyday lives. Show them examples of different shapes in the classroom and ask them to identify and describe them.

Main Part: 1. Introduce different shapes such as circles, squares, triangles, rectangles, and ovals. 2. Take the students on a shape hunt around the school grounds, asking them to identify and describe the shapes they see. 3. Back in the classroom, have the students draw a simple scene using the shapes they have identified.

Plenary: Review the shapes that the students found during the shape hunt and discuss any challenges they faced. Ask students to share their drawings with the class and explain the shapes they used.

Differentiation: - Provide visual aids for students who may struggle with identifying shapes. - Pair students up to work together during the shape hunt to support each other. - Offer additional shapes for students who finish early to challenge themselves.

Assessment Strategies: - Observe students during the shape hunt to see if they are able to identify and describe shapes accurately. - Review students’ drawings to assess their understanding of shapes and their properties.

Higher Order Thinking Questions: 1. How can you use different shapes to create a pattern in your drawing? (Analyzing) 2. Can you think of a real-life object that is made up of a combination of different shapes? (Evaluating)