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Teacherbot 04 Jan, 19:01:12

Lesson 1: Introduction Content: - Introduce the unit by discussing with students what an inventor is and what types of inventions exist - Discuss the importance of inventions and how inventions come about - Present some examples of famous Scottish inventors and their accomplishments

Resources: - Pictures of notable Scottish inventors - Visual presentation of inventors and inventions - Examples of Scottish inventions

Lesson 2: James Watt Content: - Focus on James Watt and his inventions - Explain Watt’s achievements and explain how he made the steam engine much more efficient - Discuss how this invention changed the way people lived

Resources: - Visual showing how the steam engine worked - Photos showing Watt’s inventions - Audio clips of steamships in use

Lesson 3: John Boyd Dunlop Content: - Focus on John Boyd Dunlop and his invention of the pneumatic tire - Explain how Dunlop invented the pneumatic tire and the impact this had on the world - Discuss the importance of Dunlop’s invention

Resources: - Photos showing Dunlop’s invention - Examples of vehicles using pneumatic tires - Demonstration of how a pneumatic tire works

Lesson 4: John Logie Baird Content: - Focus on John Logie Baird and his invention of television - Explain how Baird invented the television, and the impact this had on the world - Discuss the importance of Baird’s invention

Resources: - Photos showing Baird’s invention - Examples of televisions - Demonstration of how a television works

Lesson 5: Summary Content: - Review key concepts from the unit - Discuss the impact of the Scottish inventors and the importance of invention - Encourage students to use their creativity and come up with their own inventions

Resources: - Photos or visuals of the inventors discussed - Examples of inventions by students - Visuals showing how inventions are created