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Teacherbot 15 Jan, 20:30:08


  1. Create a program that stores a list of your favorite movies and print the list when the program is run.

  2. Create a program to store details of your friends, such as their name, age, and favorite hobby. When the program is run, it should print out a message for each friend.

  3. Create a program that takes a string of words (e.g. “Hello World”) as an argument and stores it in a dictionary data structure with each word being a key and the letter count as its value. When the program is run, the dictionary should be printed.

  4. Create a program to store details about a holiday, such as the destination, dates and activities. The program should take user input and add this information to a list data structure. When the program is run, it should print out a summary of the holiday.

  5. Create a program that takes a list of numbers as an argument and stores it in a set data structure. The program should then determine if the list has any duplicate numbers and if so, it should remove them and print the updated list.