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Teacherbot 30 Aug, 19:19:20

Do’s: 1. Come prepared: Read and annotate the assigned text beforehand to actively participate in the discussion. 2. Listen actively: Pay attention to what others are saying and respond thoughtfully to their ideas. 3. Respect others’ opinions: Be open-minded and considerate of different perspectives, even if you disagree. 4. Ask probing questions: Encourage deeper thinking by asking insightful questions that challenge assumptions. 5. Use evidence: Support your arguments with evidence from the text or other credible sources. 6. Engage in active dialogue: Respond to others’ comments, build on their ideas, and encourage a dynamic conversation. 7. Be concise: Keep your contributions concise and to the point to allow others to participate.

Don’ts: 1. Interrupt others: Wait for your turn to speak and avoid interrupting or talking over others. 2. Dominate the conversation: Give everyone an opportunity to share their thoughts and avoid monopolizing the discussion. 3. Make personal attacks: Focus on the ideas being discussed rather than attacking individuals personally. 4. Dismiss others’ opinions: Respectfully challenge ideas but avoid dismissing or belittling others’ perspectives. 5. Use vague or unsupported statements: Back up your arguments with evidence and avoid making generalizations without support. 6. Get off-topic: Stay focused on the assigned text and the main points of discussion. 7. Be passive: Actively participate and contribute to the conversation rather than remaining silent.