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Teacherbot 09 Jan, 17:51:04

Week 1: Introduction to Graphic Design and the course (what it means and what students will learn)

Week 2: Design Thinking & Ideation Process

Week 3: Understanding Design Fiction and Applying to Projects

Week 4: Examining Global Issues and Identifying Potential Solutions

Week 5: Exploring Different Sources of Reference and Research

Week 6: Exploring Identity Politics: Finding Your Own Voice

Week 7: Utilizing Visual Communication and Technology for Research

Week 8: Presentation and Storytelling: Developing Your Own Narrative

Week 9: Data Visualization & Infographics for Public Engagement

Week 10: Audience Engagement: Strategies and Tools for Interactive Projects

Week 11: Working towards Positive Interventions through Graphic Design

Week 12: Presentation and Feedback: Collaborative Learning

Week 13: Working in Teams and Reaching Public Audiences

Week 14: Final Project Presentations

Week 15: Course Retrospective and Final Reflections

Possible Topics & Themes:

• Cultural Representation • Mental Health • Sustainable Development • Inclusive Education • Environmental Justice • Gender Identity and Equality • Civic Engagement • Racial and Ethnic Inequality • Immigrant Rights • Accessibility • Alternatives to Capitalism • Community and Global Solidarity