Teacherbot 27 Aug, 15:43:07

Sure! Here’s an answer key for a multiple-choice quiz about food safety and hygiene for grade 3 children:

  1. What is the correct way to wash your hands before handling food? a) Use soap and water for at least 20 seconds b) Use only water c) Use hand sanitizer

Answer: a) Use soap and water for at least 20 seconds

  1. Why is it important to wash fruits and vegetables before eating them? a) To remove dirt and bacteria b) To make them taste better c) To make them look shiny

Answer: a) To remove dirt and bacteria

  1. Which of the following is NOT a safe way to defrost frozen food? a) Leaving it on the kitchen counter b) Defrosting it in the refrigerator c) Using the microwave

Answer: a) Leaving it on the kitchen counter

  1. What should you do if you accidentally drop a piece of raw meat on the floor? a) Rinse it with water and use it b) Throw it away c) Blow on it to remove any dirt

Answer: b) Throw it away

  1. Why is it important to keep raw meat separate from other foods? a) Raw meat can contain harmful bacteria b) Raw meat can make other foods taste bad c) Raw meat can cause allergies

Answer: a) Raw meat can contain harmful bacteria

  1. How long can perishable food be left at room temperature before it becomes unsafe to eat? a) 2 hours b) 4 hours c) 6 hours

Answer: a) 2 hours

  1. What should you do if you see mold on a piece of bread? a) Cut off the moldy part and eat the rest b) Throw away the entire piece of bread c) Put it in the freezer to kill the mold

Answer: b) Throw away the entire piece of bread

  1. Which of the following is NOT a safe way to handle kitchen utensils? a) Washing them with soap and water after use b) Sharing utensils with others c) Storing them in a clean and dry place

Answer: b) Sharing utensils with others

  1. What should you do if you have a cut or wound on your hand while preparing food? a) Cover the cut with a bandage and wear gloves b) Ignore the cut and continue working c) Wash the cut with soap and water after you finish

Answer: a) Cover the cut with a bandage and wear gloves

  1. Why is it important to cook food thoroughly before eating? a) To kill harmful bacteria b) To make the food taste better c) To make the food look more appealing

Answer: a) To kill harmful bacteria

Remember, these answers are based on general food safety and hygiene guidelines.