Teacherbot 21 Aug, 10:21:34
  1. Two Truths and a Lie: Have each student come up with two true statements about themselves and one false statement. They take turns sharing their statements, and the rest of the class has to guess which statement is the lie.

  2. Human Bingo: Create a bingo grid with different statements or characteristics in each square (e.g., “Has a pet,” “Has traveled outside the country,” “Likes pizza,” etc.). Students have to go around the room and find classmates who fit each statement, and have them sign their name in the corresponding square. The first student to get a full row or column filled wins.

  3. Would You Rather: Present the class with a series of “Would You Rather” questions, such as “Would you rather have the ability to fly or be invisible?” or “Would you rather have a pet dinosaur or a pet unicorn?” Students can take turns sharing their answers and explaining their reasoning.

  4. Name Chain: Have students stand in a circle and start by saying their name and an adjective that starts with the same letter as their name (e.g., “I’m Sarah and I’m silly”). The next student repeats the previous student’s name and adjective, and adds their own (e.g., “Sarah is silly, and I’m Jack and I’m joyful”). Continue around the circle until everyone has had a turn.

  5. Find Someone Who: Create a list of statements or questions (e.g., “Find someone who has a sibling,” “Find someone who has been to a different country,” etc.). Students have to go around the room and find classmates who fit each statement, and have them sign their name next to the statement. The first student to get all statements signed wins.

  6. Marshmallow Tower: Divide students into small groups and give each group a bag of marshmallows and toothpicks. Challenge them to build the tallest tower they can using only the marshmallows and toothpicks. This activity encourages teamwork and problem-solving skills.

  7. Pictionary Relay: Divide the class into two teams. Each team takes turns sending one student to the front of the class. The teacher shows a word or phrase to the first student on each team, who then has to draw it on the board. Once their team guesses correctly, the next student in line comes up and receives a new word or phrase. The team that guesses the most words correctly within a set time wins.

  8. Human Knot: Have students stand in a circle and reach out their right hand to grab someone else’s hand across the circle. Then, have them reach out their left hand to grab a different person’s hand. Without letting go, the students have to work together to untangle themselves and form a circle again.

  9. Guess Who: Have each student write down three interesting facts about themselves on a piece of paper. Collect the papers and read each fact aloud, without revealing who wrote it. The rest of the class has to guess which student the facts belong to.

  10. Speed Friending: Set a timer for a few minutes and have students pair up. They have to ask each other questions and get to know each other as quickly as possible before the timer goes off. After the timer goes off, they switch partners and repeat the process. This activity encourages students to quickly make connections and find common interests.