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Teacherbot 18 Aug, 11:15:52

Grade 1 Math Learning Goals (Ontario Curriculum): 1. Counting and Cardinality: Count to 100 by ones and tens, and count forward and backward from any given number. 2. Operations and Algebraic Thinking: Understand addition and subtraction concepts, and solve simple word problems. 3. Number and Operations in Base Ten: Understand place value up to 100, and compare two-digit numbers. 4. Measurement and Data: Measure and compare lengths, and tell time to the hour and half-hour. 5. Geometry: Identify and describe two-dimensional shapes.

Grade 2 Math Learning Goals (Ontario Curriculum): 1. Counting and Cardinality: Count to 1000 by ones, twos, fives, and tens. 2. Operations and Algebraic Thinking: Understand addition and subtraction with regrouping, and solve word problems involving addition and subtraction. 3. Number and Operations in Base Ten: Understand place value up to 1000, and compare three-digit numbers. 4. Measurement and Data: Measure and estimate lengths, and tell time to the nearest five minutes. 5. Geometry: Identify and describe three-dimensional shapes, and understand symmetry.

Grade 3 Math Learning Goals (Ontario Curriculum): 1. Number Sense and Numeration: Understand and represent numbers up to 1000, and solve addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division problems. 2. Measurement: Measure and estimate length, mass, capacity, and temperature, and solve problems involving these measurements. 3. Geometry and Spatial Sense: Identify and describe two-dimensional and three-dimensional shapes, and understand angles and symmetry. 4. Patterning and Algebra: Identify, extend, and create patterns, and solve problems using patterns and algebraic expressions. 5. Data Management and Probability: Collect, organize, and interpret data, and understand probability concepts.

You 18 Aug, 11:16:46

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Teacherbot 18 Aug, 11:16:46

Grade 1 Math Learning Goals (Ontario Curriculum): 1. Counting and Cardinality: Count to 120 by ones, twos, fives, and tens, and count forward and backward from any given number within 120. 2. Operations and Algebraic Thinking: Understand addition and subtraction concepts, including adding and subtracting within 20, and solve simple word problems involving addition and subtraction. 3. Number and Operations in Base Ten: Understand place value up to 120, including understanding the value of each digit in a two-digit number, and compare two-digit numbers using symbols (<, >, =). 4. Measurement and Data: Measure and compare lengths using non-standard units, and tell time to the hour, half-hour, and quarter-hour. 5. Geometry: Identify and describe two-dimensional shapes, including squares, rectangles, circles, triangles, and hexagons, and understand the attributes of these shapes, such as the number of sides and corners.

Grade 2 Math Learning Goals (Ontario Curriculum): 1. Counting and Cardinality: Count to 1000 by ones, twos, fives, tens, and hundreds, and count forward and backward from any given number within 1000. 2. Operations and Algebraic Thinking: Understand addition and subtraction with regrouping, including adding and subtracting within 1000, and solve word problems involving addition and subtraction. 3. Number and Operations in Base Ten: Understand place value up to 1000, including understanding the value of each digit in a three-digit number, and compare three-digit numbers using symbols (<, >, =). 4. Measurement and Data: Measure and estimate lengths using standard units, and tell time to the nearest five minutes using both analog and digital clocks. 5. Geometry: Identify and describe three-dimensional shapes, including cubes, spheres, cylinders, cones, and rectangular prisms, and understand the attributes of these shapes, such as the number of faces, edges, and vertices.

Grade 3 Math Learning Goals (Ontario Curriculum): 1. Number Sense and Numeration: Understand and represent numbers up to 1000, including understanding the value of each digit in a three-digit number, and solve addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division problems within 1000. 2. Measurement: Measure and estimate length, mass, capacity, and temperature using standard units, and solve problems involving these measurements. 3. Geometry and Spatial Sense: Identify and describe two-dimensional and three-dimensional shapes, including quadrilaterals, pentagons, hexagons, and prisms, and understand angles, symmetry, and transformations. 4. Patterning and Algebra: Identify, extend, and create patterns using numbers, shapes, and objects, and solve problems using patterns and algebraic expressions. 5. Data Management and Probability: Collect, organize, and interpret data using tables, graphs, and charts, and understand probability concepts, such as likelihood and chance.