Title: La vie au collège
Objective: Students will be able to discuss their daily routine at school, describe their classes and extracurricular activities, and talk about their favorite and least favorite aspects of school.
Materials: Whiteboard, markers, handouts with vocabulary words related to school, pictures of school supplies and activities, audio clips of conversations about school.
Warm-up (10 minutes): - Review vocabulary words related to school (e.g. salle de classe, professeur, devoirs, récréation, cantine). - Have students pair up and ask each other about their daily routine at school (e.g. Quels cours as-tu le matin? Qu’est-ce que tu fais pendant la récréation?).
Introduction (5 minutes): - Introduce the topic of “La vie au collège” and explain that students will be discussing their experiences at school.
Main activity (20 minutes): - Show pictures of different school activities and have students describe what they see in French. - Play audio clips of conversations about school and have students answer questions about the content. - Have students work in pairs or small groups to create a dialogue about a typical day at school, incorporating vocabulary words and phrases they have learned.
Wrap-up (10 minutes): - Have students share their dialogues with the class and provide feedback on each other’s work. - Discuss as a class the different aspects of school life that students enjoy and dislike, and why. - Assign homework to write a short paragraph about their favorite and least favorite things about school.
Assessment: Students will be assessed on their participation in class discussions, their ability to use vocabulary words related to school in context, and their completion of the homework assignment.