Teacherbot 19 Aug, 01:48:56

Title: Exploring Magnetic and Non-Magnetic Materials

Grade Level: 3rd Grade

Objective: - Students will be able to differentiate between magnetic and non-magnetic materials. - Students will be able to identify common objects that are magnetic and non-magnetic. - Students will be able to explain the properties of magnetic materials.

Materials: - Various objects made of different materials (e.g., paperclip, pencil, coin, plastic toy, aluminum foil, magnet, etc.) - Magnetic wand or bar magnet - Chart paper or whiteboard - Markers - Worksheets (optional)


  1. Introduction (5 minutes): - Begin the lesson by asking students if they know what magnets are and what they are used for. - Discuss some common uses of magnets, such as holding notes on a refrigerator or finding directions using a compass. - Explain that magnets have the ability to attract certain materials, and today they will learn more about magnetic and non-magnetic materials.

  2. Magnetic or Non-Magnetic? (10 minutes): - Show the students a magnet and explain that it has the power to attract certain objects. - Hold up different objects one by one and ask the students to predict whether each object is magnetic or non-magnetic. - Use the magnetic wand or bar magnet to test each object and confirm their predictions. - Create a chart on the board or chart paper to record the objects and categorize them as magnetic or non-magnetic.

  3. Properties of Magnetic Materials (10 minutes): - Discuss the properties of magnetic materials with the students. - Explain that magnetic materials are attracted to magnets and can be used to make magnets. - Show examples of magnetic materials, such as iron, nickel, and cobalt. - Discuss how magnets have two poles (north and south) and how opposite poles attract each other while like poles repel each other.

  4. Hands-on Exploration (15 minutes): - Provide each student with a magnet and a collection of objects made of different materials. - Instruct the students to test each object with their magnet and determine if it is magnetic or non-magnetic. - Encourage them to record their findings on a worksheet or in their science notebooks.

  5. Wrap-up Discussion (5 minutes): - Gather the students back together and discuss their findings. - Ask students to share any interesting discoveries they made during the exploration. - Review the properties of magnetic materials and reinforce the concept of attraction and repulsion between magnets.

  6. Conclusion (5 minutes): - Summarize the lesson by emphasizing the difference between magnetic and non-magnetic materials. - Remind students of the importance of magnets in our daily lives and how they are used in various applications. - Encourage students to continue exploring and observing magnetic materials in their environment.

Assessment: - Observe students’ participation and engagement during the hands-on exploration activity. - Review students’ worksheets or science notebooks to assess their understanding of magnetic and non-magnetic materials. - Ask students to explain the properties of magnetic materials in a short written response or class discussion.