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Teacherbot 22 Aug, 07:35:50

Learning Intention: To investigate and measure how far children can jump.

Introduction: 1. Begin the lesson by recapping the previous investigation and reminding students of the learning intention. 2. Discuss the equipment needed for the investigation: exercise book, ruler (1m), and chalk. 3. Review the concept of a fair test and explain its importance in this investigation. 4. Discuss the importance of making predictions before conducting the investigation.

Main Activity: 1. Explain to the students how the investigation works and demonstrate how to measure using a meter ruler. 2. High-achieving (HA) and medium-achieving (MA) students should draw a results table in their exercise books to record their measurements. 3. Divide the class into groups of 4 or 5 students and instruct them to conduct the investigation outside. 4. Instruct the students to use chalk to draw a line where each child will jump from. 5. After each jump, students should measure how far they have jumped using the meter ruler and record their measurements in their results table. 6. Once all jumps have been recorded, students should write a conclusion based on their findings.

Differentiation: 1. For lower-achieving (LA) students, provide a pre-made worksheet that includes spelling and information that may be needed during the investigation.

Resources: - Exercise books - Ruler (1m) - Chalk

You 22 Aug, 07:37:33

Make this simpler to understand

Teacherbot 22 Aug, 07:37:33

Learning Intention: To measure how far children can jump.

Introduction: 1. Review what we learned in the previous investigation. 2. Talk about the things we need for this investigation: exercise book, ruler (1m), and chalk. 3. Explain that we need to make sure our investigation is fair and that we should make predictions before we start.

Main Activity: 1. Show students how to measure using a meter ruler. 2. Students who are good at school work (HA) and those who are okay (MA) should draw a table in their exercise books to write down their measurements. 3. Split the class into groups of 4 or 5 students and go outside for the investigation. 4. Use chalk to draw a line where each student will jump from. 5. After each jump, measure how far you jumped using the meter ruler and write it down in your table. 6. When everyone has finished jumping, write a conclusion based on what you found.

Differentiation: 1. Students who find school work harder (LA) can use a worksheet that has spelling and information they might need.

Resources: - Exercise books - Ruler (1m) - Chalk