Lesson 1: Light and Shadows
Learning Intention: To understand the basic concepts of light and shadows.
Introduction: 1. Begin the lesson by asking the students if they know anything about light and shadows. 2. Ask if anyone can explain how shadows appear and what they are. 3. Encourage a brief discussion and take note of their responses.
Main Activity: 1. Divide the class into pairs and ask them to discuss what they already know about light and shadows. 2. After a few minutes, bring the class back together and ask each pair to share one thing they discussed. 3. Explain that they will now create a poster as a class to record what they already know about light and shadows and what they would like to find out. 4. Provide each pair with a piece of poster paper and markers. 5. Instruct the pairs to write down their ideas and questions about light and shadows on the poster paper. 6. After they have finished, ask each pair to share one idea or question from their poster with the class. 7. As they share, write down their ideas and questions on a separate sheet of paper or on the board.
Conclusion: 1. Summarize the main points discussed during the activity. 2. Explain that in the next lesson, they will explore the properties of light and shadows in more detail. 3. Encourage the students to think about any additional questions they may have about light and shadows for the next lesson.
Resources: - Poster paper - Markers