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Teacherbot 22 Aug, 07:16:35

, Investigation sheet (optional), video on fair tests (

Lesson 11: Investigating

Introduction: 1. Begin the lesson by asking the students the following question: “Does it matter how long/short your legs are when it comes to who can jump the furthest?” Allow students to share their thoughts and ideas.

  1. Discuss what conducting a ‘fair test’ means. Explain that a fair test is when all variables, except the one being tested, are kept the same. This ensures that any differences observed are due to the variable being tested. Show the students the video on fair tests ( to reinforce the concept.

Main Activity: 1. Explain to the students that they will be conducting an investigation to determine if leg length affects how far someone can jump.

  1. Divide the class into groups or pairs, depending on the available resources.

  2. Provide the Higher Ability (HA) and Middle Ability (MA) students with an investigation sheet. On the sheet, they should answer the following questions:
    • What question will you investigate?
    • What will you do to investigate?
    • What equipment will you use?
    • How will you make it a fair test?
    • Write a prediction.
  3. For the Lower Ability (LA) students, provide a pre-made worksheet with the questions already listed. They can fill in the answers based on their understanding.

  4. Allow students time to discuss and plan their investigation within their groups or pairs. Encourage them to think about how they can make the test fair and what equipment they will need.

  5. Once the groups or pairs have completed their investigation sheets or worksheets, have them share their plans with the class. This can be done through a class discussion or by having each group present their plan.

  6. After the presentations, allow students time to conduct their investigations. Remind them to follow their plans and make sure to keep all variables constant except for leg length.

  7. Once the investigations are complete, have the students record their findings in their exercise books. They should write down the distance each person jumped and whether they have longer or shorter legs.

Conclusion: 1. Bring the class back together and discuss the results of the investigations. Did leg length affect how far someone could jump? Were there any unexpected findings?

  1. Discuss the importance of conducting fair tests and how it helps to ensure accurate results.

  2. Encourage students to reflect on what they have learned from this investigation and how they can apply the concept of fair tests in future experiments.

  3. Collect the exercise books for assessment purposes, if desired.

Note: The investigation sheet and pre-made worksheet are optional resources that can be used to support the students’ planning and recording of their investigations.

You 22 Aug, 07:17:48

Make this simpler to understand

Teacherbot 22 Aug, 07:17:48

Lesson 11: Investigating

Introduction: 1. Ask the students: “Does it matter how long or short your legs are when it comes to who can jump the furthest?” Discuss their thoughts and ideas.

  1. Explain that a fair test is when everything is kept the same except for the one thing being tested. Show the students a video on fair tests ( to help them understand.

Main Activity: 1. Tell the students they will be investigating if leg length affects how far someone can jump.

  1. Divide the class into groups or pairs.

  2. Give the Higher Ability (HA) and Middle Ability (MA) students an investigation sheet with questions to answer:
    • What question will you investigate?
    • What will you do to investigate?
    • What equipment will you use?
    • How will you make it a fair test?
    • Write a prediction.
  3. For the Lower Ability (LA) students, provide a worksheet with the questions already listed.

  4. Allow time for the groups or pairs to discuss and plan their investigation. Encourage them to think about how to make it fair and what equipment they need.

  5. Have each group or pair share their plans with the class.

  6. Let the students conduct their investigations, following their plans and keeping all variables constant except for leg length.

  7. After the investigations, have the students record their findings in their exercise books. They should write down the distance each person jumped and whether they have longer or shorter legs.

Conclusion: 1. Discuss the results of the investigations as a class. Did leg length affect how far someone could jump? Were there any surprises?

  1. Talk about the importance of fair tests and how they help us get accurate results.

  2. Ask the students to think about what they learned from this investigation and how they can use fair tests in future experiments.

  3. Collect the exercise books for assessment, if desired.

Note: The investigation sheet and pre-made worksheet are optional resources that can be used to support the students’ planning and recording of their investigations.