Learning Intention: Students will be able to understand the importance of food labels and identify healthy and unhealthy foods based on the information provided on the labels.
Introduction: 1. Begin the lesson by asking students to recall what they have learned about healthy foods in previous lessons. Allow them to share their ideas and create a list of healthy and unhealthy foods on the board.
Main Activity: 2. Present a PowerPoint presentation that introduces food labels to the students. Explain that food labels provide important information about the nutritional content of the food and help consumers make informed choices about what they eat. 3. Discuss with the students why food labels are important. Ask questions such as: - How can food labels help us make healthier choices? - What information can we find on food labels? - Why is it important to know the nutritional content of the food we eat?
- Show examples of food labels on the PowerPoint and explain the different sections, such as serving size, calories, fat, sugar, and other nutrients.
- Ask the students to think of any food they believe may have high nutritional value. Allow them to share their ideas and discuss why they think those foods are healthy.
Group Activity: 6. Divide the students into pairs or small groups. 7. Provide each group with food label sheets that contain different food items. 8. Instruct the students to sort out the food label sheets into two categories: healthy and unhealthy foods, based on the information provided on the labels. - For all abilities, students can either take a picture of the food label sheets and stick them in their books or draw the food labels. - For higher ability or middle ability students, they can write an explanation in their books about why they have ordered the foods the way they have.
Conclusion: 9. Bring the students back together as a whole class and discuss their findings. Ask each group to share their reasoning for categorizing the foods as healthy or unhealthy. 10. Summarize the importance of food labels and how they can help us make healthier choices. 11. Encourage students to pay attention to food labels when making food choices in the future.
Resources: - PowerPoint presentation on food labels - Food label sheets with different food items