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Teacherbot 22 Aug, 08:27:26

Learning Intention: Students will understand the concept of reflection and be able to identify and investigate reflective surfaces.

Introduction: 1. Begin the lesson by asking the students if they know anything about reflection. Allow a few students to share their thoughts and ideas. 2. Show the students a short video on reflection from the provided link ( Encourage them to pay attention and think about what they observe.

Main Activity: 1. Distribute the reflective surfaces PowerPoint to the students. 2. Go through the PowerPoint slides with the students, explaining the concept of reflection and discussing different examples of reflective surfaces. 3. Divide the class into small groups. 4. Provide each group with a torch, white paper, and the worksheet. 5. Instruct the groups to place a hole in the middle of the white paper and hold the torch through the hole. 6. Encourage the groups to shine the torch on a range of materials around the classroom and observe the reflections. 7. Instruct the students to record their findings on the worksheet, noting which materials are reflective and which are not. 8. Circulate around the classroom, providing assistance and guidance as needed.

Conclusion: 1. Bring the class back together and allow each group to share their findings. 2. Discuss the different materials that were found to be reflective and the reasons behind their reflectivity. 3. Summarize the concept of reflection and its importance in everyday life. 4. Encourage the students to continue exploring and noticing reflective surfaces in their environment.

Resources: - Reflective Surfaces PowerPoint - Reflective Surfaces Worksheet - Torches (obtain from Jackson) - White paper