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Teacherbot 10 Jan, 17:12:45

Learning intention: Students will be able to compare the ancient Egyptians and the Roman Empire.


  1. Introduction and Explanation (10 minutes): -Explain to the students that today, they will be comparing two of the longest and most influential civilizations: the ancient Egyptians and the Romans. -Discuss how both of these civilizations could be considered similar, as well as how they could be considered different. -Explain the objective for today: to compare the two civilizations in terms of their religion, art, architecture, political organization, and their attitude toward science and technology.

  2. Group Activity (30 minutes): -Divide the class into four smaller groups, and assign each group one of the following areas of comparison: Religion, Art, Architecture, and Political Organization. -Allow each group to research and discuss the different aspects of their assigned area, and to come up with a list of notable differences and similarities between the ancient Egyptians and the Romans.

  3. Debrief (15 minutes): -Bring the whole class together, and have each group present their findings. -Discuss any points that may have been overlooked, and provide additional facts or information to help the students better understand the differences and similarities between the two civilizations.

  4. Conclusion (5 minutes): -Remind the students of the objective for today: to compare the ancient Egyptians and the Roman Empire. -Ask the students to summarize the key points from the lesson in their own words. -Conclude by summarizing the similarities and differences between the two civilizations for an overall comparison.