Teacherbot 21 Jan, 12:08:37

Learning Outcomes -​To understand Co-ordinating Conjunctions and how they are used in Compound Sentences - To be able to identify and write Compound Sentences


  1. Ask the students to read the following sentence aloud: “He wanted to play but he was too tired.”

  2. Ask the students what type of sentence this is. (Compound Sentence)

  3. Explain that a Compound Sentence is made up of two separate ideas that are related by a Co-ordinating Conjuction. In this example, the Co-ordinating Conjuction is ‘but’.

  4. Ask the students to name the Co-ordinating Conjunctions. (And, but, or, so, for, yet, nor).

  5. Write a few sentences on the board that use different Co-ordinating Conjunctions, or ask the students to suggest sentences such as:

“I ate pizza, and I drank orange juice.” “He finished his homework, so he went outside and played.” “She wanted to go to the park, but it was too late.”

  1. Ask the students to identify the Co-ordinating Conjunctions and explain why these sentences are compound.

  2. Finally, challenge the students to write their own Compound Sentences using Co-ordinating Conjunctions.