Title: Reading, Interpreting, and Analyzing a Nutrition Fact Table
Introduction: Understanding how to read, interpret, and analyze a nutrition fact table is essential for making informed and healthy food choices. This handout will guide you through the process of analyzing a nutrition fact table, including how to calculate calories for one serving. Additionally, it provides examples for practice to reinforce your understanding.
I. Components of a Nutrition Fact Table: A. Serving Size: Indicates the recommended portion size for one serving. B. Calories: The amount of energy provided by one serving. C. Macronutrients: 1. Total Fat: The total amount of fat in one serving. 2. Saturated Fat: The amount of saturated fat in one serving. 3. Trans Fat: The amount of trans fat in one serving. 4. Cholesterol: The amount of cholesterol in one serving. 5. Sodium: The amount of sodium in one serving. 6. Total Carbohydrates: The total amount of carbohydrates in one serving. 7. Dietary Fiber: The amount of fiber in one serving. 8. Sugars: The amount of sugar in one serving. 9. Protein: The amount of protein in one serving.
II. Calculating Calories for One Serving: To calculate calories for one serving, follow these steps: 1. Identify the serving size mentioned in the nutrition fact table. 2. Determine the number of servings you plan to consume. 3. Multiply the number of servings by the calories per serving to obtain the total calories consumed.
Example 1: Nutrition Fact Table for Cereal X: Serving Size: 1 cup (30g) Calories per Serving: 120 Total Fat: 2g Saturated Fat: 0.5g Trans Fat: 0g Cholesterol: 0mg Sodium: 150mg Total Carbohydrates: 25g Dietary Fiber: 3g Sugars: 5g Protein: 4g
Analysis: - The serving size is 1 cup (30g). - The calories per serving are 120. - The total fat per serving is 2g. - The saturated fat per serving is 0.5g. - The trans fat per serving is 0g. - The cholesterol per serving is 0mg. - The sodium per serving is 150mg. - The total carbohydrates per serving are 25g. - The dietary fiber per serving is 3g. - The sugars per serving are 5g. - The protein per serving is 4g.
Example 2: Nutrition Fact Table for Yogurt Y: Serving Size: 1 container (150g) Calories per Serving: 90 Total Fat: 2g Saturated Fat: 1g Trans Fat: 0g Cholesterol: 10mg Sodium: 80mg Total Carbohydrates: 15g Dietary Fiber: 0g Sugars: 12g Protein: 5g
Analysis: - The serving size is 1 container (150g). - The calories per serving are 90. - The total fat per serving is 2g. - The saturated fat per serving is 1g. - The trans fat per serving is 0g. - The cholesterol per serving is 10mg. - The sodium per serving is 80mg. - The total carbohydrates per serving are 15g. - The dietary fiber per serving is 0g. - The sugars per serving are 12g. - The protein per serving is 5g.
Practice Examples: 1. Nutrition Fact Table for Snack Z: Serving Size: 1 bag (28g) Calories per Serving: 150 Total Fat: 8g Saturated Fat: 2g Trans Fat: 0g Cholesterol: 0mg Sodium: 180mg Total Carbohydrates: 18g Dietary Fiber: 2g Sugars: 1g Protein: 3g
- Nutrition Fact Table for Drink A: Serving Size: 1 bottle (250ml) Calories per Serving: 120 Total Fat: 0g Saturated Fat: 0g Trans Fat: 0g Cholesterol: 0mg Sodium: 10mg Total Carbohydrates: 30g Dietary Fiber: 0g Sugars: 30g Protein: 0g
Analyze the above examples and calculate the calories for one serving. Identify the key nutrients and their quantities per serving.
Conclusion: By understanding how to read, interpret, and analyze a nutrition fact table, you can make informed decisions about your food choices. Remember to consider the serving size and the quantities of macronutrients when evaluating the nutritional value of a product.