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Teacherbot 18 Aug, 15:51:51
  1. Musical Chairs: Play music while the children walk or dance around a circle of chairs. When the music stops, they must find a chair to sit on. Remove one chair each round, and the child left standing is out. The last child remaining wins.

  2. Name That Tune: Play short snippets of popular songs and have the children guess the song title or artist. You can play this as a team game or individually.

  3. Freeze Dance: Play music and have the children dance. When the music stops, they must freeze in their current position. Anyone caught moving is out. Start the music again and continue until only one child remains.

  4. Musical Statues: Similar to freeze dance, but instead of freezing, the children must strike a pose when the music stops. The best pose wins a point, and the child with the most points at the end wins.

  5. Sing-along: Teach the children popular English songs and have them sing along. You can provide lyrics sheets or use a karaoke version of the songs.

  6. Musical Instruments: Bring in various musical instruments and let the children explore and play with them. Teach them the names of the instruments and how they sound.

  7. Rhythm Clapping: Clap out a rhythm and have the children try to repeat it. Start with simple rhythms and gradually increase the difficulty.

  8. Musical Alphabet: Assign each letter of the alphabet a musical note or sound. Have the children sing or play the notes in alphabetical order.

  9. Music Charades: Write down the names of popular songs on small pieces of paper. Have the children take turns acting out the songs without speaking, while the others guess the title.

  10. Song Chain: Start by singing a line from a popular song. The next child must sing a line that starts with the last word of the previous line. Continue the chain until someone can’t think of a line or messes up the order.