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Teacherbot 31 Aug, 15:49:10

Long-Range Plan for Grade 1 Science Curriculum in Ontario

Unit 1: Living Things and the Environment Duration: 4 weeks

Overall Expectations: - Identify and describe the basic needs of living things - Investigate and describe the characteristics and needs of plants and animals - Explore the interdependence of living things within their environment

Week 1: Topic: Basic Needs of Living Things Specific Expectations: - Identify and describe the basic needs of living things (e.g., air, water, food, shelter) - Investigate and describe how living things meet their basic needs

Week 2: Topic: Plants Specific Expectations: - Identify and describe the parts of a plant (e.g., roots, stem, leaves, flowers) - Investigate and describe how plants grow and change - Explore the different ways plants reproduce (e.g., seeds, bulbs, spores)

Week 3: Topic: Animals Specific Expectations: - Identify and describe the characteristics of different animals (e.g., fur, feathers, scales) - Investigate and describe how animals move and adapt to their environment - Explore the different ways animals reproduce (e.g., live birth, laying eggs)

Week 4: Topic: Interdependence of Living Things Specific Expectations: - Investigate and describe how living things depend on each other for survival (e.g., plants provide oxygen for animals) - Explore the concept of food chains and webs - Identify and describe ways humans can help protect the environment

Unit 2: Materials, Objects, and Structures Duration: 4 weeks

Overall Expectations: - Investigate and describe the properties and uses of materials - Explore the characteristics and functions of objects and structures - Investigate and describe the effects of forces on objects and structures

Week 5: Topic: Properties of Materials Specific Expectations: - Investigate and describe the properties of different materials (e.g., hard, soft, rough, smooth) - Explore the uses of materials in everyday life (e.g., wood for building, plastic for containers)

Week 6: Topic: Objects and Structures Specific Expectations: - Investigate and describe the characteristics and functions of objects and structures (e.g., wheels on a bike, wings on a plane) - Explore how objects and structures are designed to meet specific needs

Week 7: Topic: Forces on Objects and Structures Specific Expectations: - Investigate and describe the effects of different forces on objects and structures (e.g., pushing, pulling, gravity) - Explore how forces can change the shape or position of objects and structures

Week 8: Topic: Review and Application Specific Expectations: - Review and reinforce concepts learned in previous weeks - Apply knowledge and skills to solve simple design challenges (e.g., building a structure that can withstand a force)

Unit 3: Energy in Our Lives Duration: 4 weeks

Overall Expectations: - Investigate and describe different forms of energy - Explore how energy is used in everyday life - Investigate and describe the effects of energy on the environment

Week 9: Topic: Forms of Energy Specific Expectations: - Investigate and describe different forms of energy (e.g., light, heat, sound) - Explore how energy can be transformed from one form to another

Week 10: Topic: Energy in Everyday Life Specific Expectations: - Investigate and describe how energy is used in everyday life (e.g., electricity for lights, heat for cooking) - Explore ways to conserve and use energy efficiently

Week 11: Topic: Effects of Energy on the Environment Specific Expectations: - Investigate and describe the effects of energy use on the environment (e.g., pollution, climate change) - Explore ways to reduce the negative impact of energy use on the environment

Week 12: Topic: Review and Culminating Activity Specific Expectations: - Review and reinforce concepts learned in previous weeks - Engage in a culminating activity that integrates knowledge and skills from all three units