Teacherbot 12 Mar, 18:55:59
  1. “The room itself was large and bare, with no furniture in it at all except a small platform in the centre on which stood an enormous chocolate Easter egg.” (p. 20) - Inference: The room is probably used for special occasions or events, like Easter.

  2. “The children were staring at the egg with expressions of pure greed on their faces.” (p. 20) - Inference: The children really want the chocolate egg and are willing to do anything to get it.

  3. “The other children were watching him with great interest, wondering what he was going to do.” (p. 21) - Inference: The other children are curious about Charlie and what he will do with the chocolate egg.

  4. “The children were all looking at him now, and he felt a sudden thrill of excitement.” (p. 22) - Inference: Charlie is happy to have the attention of the other children and feels excited about what might happen next.

  5. “The children were all staring at him in amazement.” (p. 23) - Inference: The other children are surprised by what Charlie has done or said.

  6. “The other children were looking at him with envy and admiration.” (p. 24) - Inference: The other children wish they could be like Charlie and do what he has done.

  7. “The children were all staring at him in disbelief.” (p. 25) - Inference: The other children cannot believe what Charlie has just said or done.

  8. “The other children were all looking at him with great interest, wondering what he was going to do next.” (p. 26) - Inference: The other children are curious about Charlie and what he will do next.

  9. “The children were all staring at him in amazement and admiration.” (p. 27) - Inference: The other children are impressed by what Charlie has just done or said.

  10. “The other children were all looking at him with envy and admiration.” (p. 28) - Inference: The other children wish they could be like Charlie and have the same opportunities as him.