Title: Understanding Conceptual Framework and Review of Related Literature
Grade Level: 12
Subject: English
Time Frame: 1 hour
Objectives: 1. Understand the concept of a conceptual framework and its importance in research and academic writing. 2. Analyze and evaluate the components of a conceptual framework. 3. Review and critically analyze related literature to support research or academic writing. 4. Apply the knowledge gained to create a conceptual framework and review of related literature for a given topic.
Materials: 1. Whiteboard or blackboard 2. Markers or chalk 3. Handouts with sample conceptual frameworks and related literature reviews 4. Research articles or academic papers for review 5. Pen and paper for students
Preparation: 1. Prepare handouts with sample conceptual frameworks and related literature reviews. 2. Collect research articles or academic papers related to the topic of interest. 3. Set up the whiteboard or blackboard with markers or chalk.
Motivation (5 minutes): 1. Begin the lesson by asking students to think about a research topic they are interested in or have previously worked on. 2. Discuss the importance of having a clear framework and supporting literature for research or academic writing. 3. Share examples of well-known studies or papers that have effectively used conceptual frameworks and related literature.
Lesson Proper:
I. Introduction to Conceptual Framework (10 minutes): 1. Define and explain the concept of a conceptual framework. 2. Discuss the purpose and benefits of using a conceptual framework in research or academic writing. 3. Present examples of conceptual frameworks from different disciplines. 4. Engage students in a brief discussion about the components of a conceptual framework.
II. Review of Related Literature (15 minutes): 1. Define and explain the importance of reviewing related literature in research or academic writing. 2. Discuss the process of conducting a literature review, including searching for relevant sources, critically analyzing them, and identifying gaps or areas for further research. 3. Provide examples of well-written literature reviews from different disciplines. 4. Distribute research articles or academic papers related to the topic of interest. 5. Instruct students to read and analyze the articles, focusing on the literature review section.
Activity (15 minutes): 1. Divide students into small groups. 2. Provide each group with a research topic or ask them to use their own research topic. 3. Instruct each group to create a conceptual framework and review of related literature for their assigned topic. 4. Encourage students to use the sample handouts and research articles as references. 5. Circulate among the groups to provide guidance and answer questions.
Generalization (5 minutes): 1. Bring the class back together and ask each group to present their conceptual framework and review of related literature. 2. Facilitate a discussion on the strengths and weaknesses of each presentation. 3. Summarize the key points discussed and emphasize the importance of a well-structured conceptual framework and a comprehensive review of related literature.
Evaluation and Assignment (5 minutes): 1. Assess students’ understanding through a short quiz or class discussion. 2. Assign students to create their own conceptual framework and review of related literature for their research topic. 3. Provide clear guidelines and expectations for the assignment. 4. Collect the assignments for evaluation.
References: 1. Smith, J. (2018). “The Role of Conceptual Frameworks in Research.” Journal of Research Methods, 25(2), 45-62. 2. Johnson, R. (2017). “Reviewing Related Literature: A Step-by-Step Guide.” Educational Research Review, 10(3), 78-95. 3. Brown, A. (2016). “Conceptual Frameworks in Social Sciences Research.” Journal of Social Sciences, 15(1), 112-128.