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Teacherbot 29 Aug, 00:00:44

Course Title: AP Government and Politics

Course Description: AP Government and Politics is a college-level course that introduces students to the study of American government and politics. The course covers a wide range of topics, including the Constitution, political parties, interest groups, public opinion, and the branches of government. Students will develop critical thinking and analytical skills through the examination of primary and secondary sources, participation in class discussions, and the completion of various assignments and assessments.

Course Objectives: 1. Understand the principles and foundations of American government. 2. Analyze the structure and functions of the three branches of government. 3. Examine the role of political parties, interest groups, and the media in the political process. 4. Evaluate the impact of public opinion and voting behavior on elections and policy-making. 5. Understand the rights and responsibilities of citizens in a democratic society. 6. Develop effective communication and argumentation skills.

Course Materials: 1. Textbook: “American Government: Institutions and Policies” by Wilson, DiIulio, and Bose. 2. Supplementary readings and articles. 3. Access to online resources and databases.

Course Expectations: 1. Attendance and Participation: Students are expected to attend all classes and actively participate in discussions and activities. Active participation includes asking questions, sharing opinions, and engaging in respectful debates. 2. Preparation: Students should come to class prepared by completing assigned readings and any pre-class assignments. This will ensure meaningful participation and enhance understanding of the material. 3. Assignments and Assessments: Students will be assigned regular readings, essays, quizzes, and exams to assess their understanding of the material. These assignments will require critical thinking, analysis, and application of concepts learned in class. 4. Class Discussions: Students are encouraged to engage in respectful and constructive discussions with their peers. This includes listening to others’ perspectives, providing evidence to support arguments, and challenging ideas in a respectful manner. 5. Timeliness: All assignments should be submitted on time. Late submissions may result in a grade deduction, unless prior arrangements have been made with the instructor. 6. Academic Integrity: Plagiarism and cheating will not be tolerated. All work submitted must be the student’s own, unless properly cited. Any violation of academic integrity will result in appropriate consequences. 7. Respectful Behavior: Students are expected to treat their peers and the instructor with respect and courtesy. Disruptive behavior or disrespectful language will not be tolerated. 8. Technology Use: The use of electronic devices, such as laptops or tablets, is allowed for note-taking and class-related activities. However, distractions caused by personal use of technology will not be tolerated.

Grading: Grades will be based on a combination of assignments, quizzes, exams, class participation, and any other assessments deemed appropriate by the instructor. The specific grading breakdown will be provided in the course syllabus.

Note: This syllabus is a general outline and may be subject to change based on the instructor’s discretion and the needs of the class.