“The Lost Spell” is a children’s book written by Robert Macfarlane and illustrated by Jackie Morris. It was published in 2019 and is a companion to their previous collaboration, “The Lost Words.”
The book follows the same format as “The Lost Words,” with each page featuring a poem by Macfarlane and a stunning illustration by Morris. However, “The Lost Spell” focuses on a different set of words that have been removed from children’s vocabulary and connection to the natural world.
The poems in “The Lost Spell” are spells or incantations, designed to bring these lost words back into the lives of children. Each spell is accompanied by an illustration that captures the essence of the word and its connection to nature. The book encourages children to engage with the natural world and to appreciate the beauty and wonder that can be found in it.
“The Lost Spell” is not only a beautiful book but also an important one. It highlights the importance of language and its connection to our understanding and appreciation of the natural world. By reintroducing these lost words, Macfarlane and Morris hope to inspire children to explore and protect the environment around them.
Overall, “The Lost Spell” is a magical and enchanting book that celebrates the power of language and the beauty of nature. It is a must-read for children and adults alike, reminding us of the importance of preserving our connection to the natural world.