18 Aug, 12:16:12
- True or False: In the story of midnight friendship, a man asks his friend for three loaves of bread. (True)
- Multiple Choice: Why did the man ask his friend for bread? a) He was hungry b) He wanted to share with his friend c) He needed to feed a traveler (c)
- Fill in the Blank: Jesus said, “Ask and it will be __ to you.” (given)
- Short Answer: What does Jesus say will happen if you seek? a) You will find (a) b) You will lose c) You will be disappointed
- Multiple Response: Which of the following did Jesus say about fathers giving good gifts? a) They will give a snake instead of a fish b) They will give a scorpion instead of an egg c) They know how to give good gifts to their children (c)
- Picture or Image-Based: Look at the picture below. What lesson about friendship can be learned from the story of midnight friendship? (Image: Two friends sharing food) a) Friends should always share with each other b) Friends should help each other in times of need (b) c) Friends should never ask for help
- True or False: The man in the story was able to get the bread because of his shameless audacity. (True)
- Fill in the Blank: Jesus said, “Knock and the __ will be opened to you.” (door)
- Short Answer: According to the story, who will God give the Holy Spirit to? a) Those who ask Him (a) b) Those who are good c) Those who don’t need it
- Multiple Choice: What lesson can be learned from the story of midnight friendship? a) It is important to have many friends b) It is important to ask for help when needed (b) c) It is important to never bother others.