Teacherbot 07 Mar, 15:40:43


Homework has been a topic of debate for many years, with some arguing that it is essential for children’s academic success, while others believe it is a burden that should be eliminated. This essay will explore both sides of the argument and provide a balanced view on whether children should do homework.

Benefits of completing homework:

One of the main benefits of homework is that it reinforces what children have learned in class. By completing homework, children can practice and apply the concepts they have learned, which can help them retain the information better. Additionally, homework can help children develop good study habits and time management skills, which are essential for academic success. Finally, homework can also help children prepare for exams and assessments, as it provides an opportunity to review and revise the material covered in class.

Downside of homework for children:

On the other hand, there are also several downsides to homework. Firstly, homework can be stressful and overwhelming for children, especially if they have a lot of it to complete. This can lead to anxiety and burnout, which can negatively impact their mental health. Secondly, homework can also be a source of conflict between children and their parents, as parents may struggle to help their children with their homework. Finally, homework can also be a barrier to children’s social and extracurricular activities, as it takes up a significant amount of their free time.


In conclusion, while homework can have some benefits for children, it is important to consider the downsides as well. Ultimately, the decision on whether children should do homework should be based on the individual needs and circumstances of each child. Schools and teachers should strive to strike a balance between providing meaningful homework that reinforces learning and allowing children to have enough free time to pursue other interests and activities.