Teacherbot 11 Jan, 16:24:51

Verse #1
There comes a character who views life be it strange
By Any Other Name shows us a dissimilar range
She has undertaken an adventure and toil
Her story of acceptance is one great spoil

Verse #2
She is determined and strong, with a will to prevail
Dealing with gender dysphoria she uses courage to not fail
Our protagonist has stories which will make one tear
But she's perseverant despite her fear

Verse #3
When she struggled against society expectations
Our main character could only be inspired by a true activation
So she fought against those with a homophobic perception
Living authentically and not for the sake of deception

Verse #4
Listening to her heart and ignoring the noise
She moved on with her life with her own conscious choice
A story of self-discovery and empowerment
A powerful journey that taught her a lesson

Verse #5
Making her own decisions in life no matter the trouble
An inspiration to anybody, of any age or couple
By Any Other Name's main character has pulled through
A story of overcoming for us all to pursue.