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Teacherbot 29 Aug, 09:02:32

Lesson Plan: Teaching Persuasive Writing

Objective: Students will learn the techniques and strategies used in persuasive writing and apply them to create their own persuasive piece.

Grade Level: 7th grade

Duration: 3-4 class periods

Materials: - Whiteboard or blackboard - Markers or chalk - Handouts with examples of persuasive writing - Graphic organizers for planning - Laptops or computers with internet access - Rubric for assessment


  1. Introduction (10 minutes)
    • Begin the lesson by discussing the purpose of persuasive writing. Explain that persuasive writing is used to convince the reader to adopt a particular point of view or take a specific action.
    • Show examples of persuasive writing, such as advertisements, opinion articles, or speeches. Discuss the techniques used in these examples, such as emotional appeal, logical reasoning, and use of evidence.
    • Ask students to share their experiences with persuasive writing, if any, and their thoughts on its effectiveness.
  2. Understanding Persuasive Writing (20 minutes)
    • Introduce the key elements of persuasive writing: introduction, body paragraphs, and conclusion.
    • Discuss the importance of a strong thesis statement that clearly states the writer’s position.
    • Explain the structure of body paragraphs, including topic sentences, supporting evidence, and counterarguments.
    • Emphasize the need for a strong conclusion that restates the thesis and leaves a lasting impression on the reader.
  3. Analyzing Persuasive Writing (30 minutes)
    • Provide students with handouts containing examples of persuasive writing.
    • In small groups, have students analyze the examples and identify the techniques used by the writers to persuade the reader.
    • Discuss the findings as a class, highlighting the different strategies employed by the writers.
  4. Planning and Drafting (60 minutes)
    • Introduce graphic organizers for planning persuasive writing, such as a T-chart or a persuasion map.
    • Instruct students to choose a topic for their persuasive piece and use the graphic organizer to plan their arguments and supporting evidence.
    • Allow students to work individually or in pairs to draft their persuasive writing piece.
    • Circulate the classroom to provide guidance and support as needed.
  5. Peer Review and Revision (30 minutes)
    • Have students exchange their drafts with a partner for peer review.
    • Provide a checklist or rubric for students to assess their partner’s writing based on the use of persuasive techniques, organization, and clarity.
    • Instruct students to provide constructive feedback and suggestions for improvement.
    • Allow time for students to revise their drafts based on the feedback received.
  6. Finalizing and Publishing (30 minutes)
    • Instruct students to make final revisions to their persuasive writing pieces.
    • Provide laptops or computers with internet access for students to type their final drafts.
    • Encourage students to add visual elements, such as images or graphs, to enhance the persuasive impact of their writing.
    • Once completed, have students share their persuasive pieces with the class or publish them on a class blog or website.

Assessment Task:

  • Assessment: Persuasive Writing Piece (60 points)
    • Use a rubric to assess students’ persuasive writing pieces based on the following criteria:
      • Thesis statement and clear position (10 points)
      • Organization and structure (10 points)
      • Use of persuasive techniques (15 points)
      • Supporting evidence and examples (15 points)
      • Counterarguments and refutation (10 points)
    • Provide written feedback to each student, highlighting their strengths and areas for improvement.

Note: The duration of the lesson plan may vary depending on the pace of the class and the availability of resources. Adjustments can be made to accommodate the needs of the students.