Chapters 1-3 1. What did Charlie Bucket's family eat for dinner the night before the chocolate factory opened? 2. What did Charlie Bucket find in the snow on his way to school? 3. Why did Charlie Bucket need to go to the candy store? 4. What were the four things Charlie Bucket liked most in the world? 5. What did Grandpa Joe tell Charlie about the history of Willy Wonka's factory? 6. What did Mr. Wonka allow the children to do in his factory? 7. What did Charlie find when he returned to his house after receiving the golden ticket? 8. According to Grandpa Joe, what kind of people visited the factory when it first opened? 9. How did Charlie's mother react when she learnt he had won a golden ticket? 10.How many children did Mr Wonka invite to the factory? 11.What did Grandpa Joe tell Charlie Bucket to buy with his money when he found the golden ticket? 12. What did Mike Teavee suggest they do with their golden tickets when they first received them? 13. What kind of substances did Violet Beauregarde chew? 14. What did Mr Wonka give Augustus Gloop after he became stuck in the pipe? 15. How did Willy Wonka know that there was someone in the chocolate room?

1. Prepare the Space: Make sure the space you're shooting in is well lit, clean, and free of any unwanted distractions. You'll also want to make sure there are no shadows or bright highlights in the space that could affect your photos. 2. Set Up Equipment: Set up your equipment so that it's ready to use when the subject arrives. Place your lights in the desired positions and make sure they're on a stable surface. If you're using a backdrop, hang it up and make sure it's wrinkle free. 3. Position the Subject: Make sure your subject is standing in the center of the frame and is not too close to either side of the frame. Have your subject stand up straight with their arms slightly away from their body and their chin raised slightly. 4. Direct Your Subject: Talk to your subject and help them to relax. Give them posing instructions and tips throughout the shoot. Encourage them to hold certain poses or move their body to create a more effective photograph. 5. Use Correct Lighting: Choose the lighting based on the mood and atmosphere you want to create. Create different lighting scenarios and experiment with different lighting setups to get the best shot. 6. Fine Tune the Shoot: Review the photos after each shot and make adjustments as needed. Move the lights to eliminate shadows and adjust the background if needed. Check the clarity and sharpness of the image and make sure everything is looking the way you want. 7. Utilize Editing Software: Even the best photographers use editing software to help produce the perfect portrait. Programs such as Lightroom and Photoshop can help you to further refine your photographs and really make your shots shine.

1. What is the infinitive form of the verb "to wake"? 2. What is the past simple form of the verb "to be"? 3. What is the past participle form of the verb "to bring"? 4. What is the past participle form of the verb "to take"? 5. What is the past participle form of the verb "to understand"? 6. What is the past simple form of the verb "to break"? 7. What is the past participle form of the verb "to give"? 8. What is the past participle form of the verb "to know"? 9. What is the past simple form of the verb "to go"? 10. What is the past simple form of the verb "to fly"? 11. What is the past participle form of the verb "to do"? 12. What is the past simple form of the verb "to eat"? 13. What is the past simple form of the verb "to run"? 14. What is the past participle form of the verb "to draw"? 15. What is the past simple form of the verb "to sit"? 16. What is the past simple form of the verb "to speak"? 17. What is the past participle form of the verb "to come"? 18. What is the past simple form of the verb "to find"? 19. What is the past participle form of the verb "to buy"? 20. What is the past simple form of the verb "to read"?

Lesson 1 (45 minutes): - Introduction to the project and overview (10 minutes). - Brainstorm song ideas, agree on the style of song, decide which instruments will be used (15 minutes). - Assignment of roles within groups, who will be singing / playing what (10 minutes). - Discuss song structure, decide which parts of the song need to be recorded (10 minutes). Lesson 2 (90 minutes): - Watch tutorial videos related to Logic Pro and Music Production (15 minutes). - Begin pre-production together (plan what gear will be used in the recording, agree on mics routing etc.) (45 minutes). - Decide how to divide the recording sessions between the two groups (30 minutes). Lesson 3 (90 minutes): - Record the instruments and vocals of each song in their appropriate takes (45 minutes). - Listen back to the recordings and decide which takes to keep (15 minutes). - Talk as a group about the problems encountered during the recordings and how to solve them (15 minutes). - Begin the editing process (15 minutes). Lesson 4 (90 minutes): - Continue the editing process (30 minutes). - Explain the mixing process and discuss the desired sound for the song (15 minutes). - Guide students through the mixing process and discuss technical aspects (45 minutes). Lesson 5 (90 minutes): - Finish the mixing process (45 minutes). - Final listening session for the two songs, talk about things that worked/didn't work (15 minutes). - Closing discussion on the project and Q&A (30 minutes).

1. In chapter 1, what were the main reasons given that Mr. Peters decided to take Alfie on a journey in time? (Retrieval) 2. Why did Mr. Peters want Alfie to help him with his time-traveling adventure? (Inference) 3. What did Mr. Peters leave with Alfie when they said their goodbyes before beginning their journey? (Retrieval) 4. How did Alfie contribute to getting them out of trouble when Mr. Peters used time travel too often in chapter 2? (Retrieval) 5. What clues can readers infer from chapter 3 about what is going to happen to Alfie and Mr. Peters on their adventure? (Inference) 6. What was the main reason that Mr. Peters wanted to time travel in the first place? (Retrieval) 7. What object does Mr. Peters give to Alfie in the beginning of their journey that he is not meant to use? (Retrieval) 8. What conclusion can readers draw about the dangerous of time travel based on the events in chapter 2? (Inference) 9. How does Alfie feel about the prospect of time traveling with Mr. Peters? (Retrieval) 10. What can readers predict will happen to Alfie and Mr. Peters in the future based on the events in the first three chapters? (Prediction) 11. In a few words, how could chapter 1, 2 and 3 be summarized? (Summarizing) 12. What kind of messages do the events in the first three chapters of Time Travelling with a Hamster give readers? (Inference)

Reading Comprehension Task Read the text below about healthy cooking and answer the following questions. Healthy cooking is the practice of preparing food with health-promoting ingredients and preparing methods. Healthy cooking is important for maintaining a balanced diet and optimal health. It involves increasing the intake of fresh fruits and vegetables, reducing sugar, and avoiding processed foods. Further, healthy cooking also means using healthier fats and oils and making use of whole grains and lean proteins. Healthy cooking is not only about following dietary guidelines; it also requires attention to cleansing and sanitizing surfaces, keeping ingredients fresh, and using freshness dates. To avoid harmful microorganisms, make sure to handle raw food carefully and store them separately from cooked food. For safety reasons, always thaw frozen food before cooking it. To get started with healthy cooking, you should have the right tools and ingredients. For example, a good set of measuring tools, like spoons, cups, and scales, are essential. Investing in a quality set of kitchen knives and other utensils is also important. To make healthy meals, it is best to start with fresh and natural ingredients. This means buying items that are free of additives and preservatives, such as fresh fruits and vegetables, unprocessed whole grains, and lean sources of protein. Having a well-stocked pantry with basic ingredients is also beneficial for preparing healthy meals quickly. Questions: 1. What does healthy cooking involve? 2. What are some guidelines for handling raw food? 3. What tools and ingredients should you have for healthy cooking? 4. What is the best way to start making healthy meals?

Read the text below and answer the questions that follow. Technology has changed the world in many ways and one of the most important changes is related to money and wealth. Now, more and more people have access to a variety of financial tools, giving them more control over their finances and promoting financial independence. For example, with mobile banking, you can access your bank accounts and make financial transactions without going to a traditional bank. Online investing platforms and services let you manage and grow your money online. And, of course, digital payment processing and wallets like PayPal, Venmo, and CashApp let you make quick, safe payments. 1. What happens with mobile banking? A: With mobile banking, you can access your bank accounts and make financial transactions without going to a traditional bank. 2. What are some types of digital payment processing and wallets? A: Digital payment processing and wallets like PayPal, Venmo, and CashApp let you make quick, safe payments. 3. How has technology changed the world when it comes to money and wealth? A: Technology has given people more access to a variety of financial tools, giving them more control over their finances and promoting financial independence.

Introduction In this lesson, students will learn about non-fiction writing. They will identify the elements of non-fiction writing and explore the different types of non-fiction writing. Through activities and discussion, students will explore and develop their understanding of the genre and its various forms. Lesson outline • Explain the elements of non-fiction writing • Discuss the various types of non-fiction writing • Show examples of each type of non-fiction writing • Use video and worksheet resources to practice the different types • Discuss the different styles and approaches of writing • Practice and discuss sample non-fiction texts Questioning • What are the elements of non-fiction writing? • How are the various types of non-fiction writing different? • What is the best approach for writing a particular type of non-fiction? Assessment • Provide a written assignment for students to write a 500-word essay about a particular type of non-fiction writing • Create an online discussion board and have the students post their essays for peer review • Allow students to score each other’s essays based on the criteria outlined in the lesson Differentiation • Provide additional resources for weaker students • Allow students to work together in small groups • Give students extra time to work on their essays Plenary • Have students present their essays to the class and provide feedback to their peers • Encourage students to discuss any issues or questions they may have • Post a survey asking students to reflect on their experience and the effectiveness of the lesson Resources • Video: • Worksheet:

Customer1: Good evening, waiter. We'd like to order something to eat. Waiter: Certainly. What would you like? Customer1: We would like to have a pizza and a salad. Customer2: And I'd like a hamburger, please. Waiter: Right away. Anything to drink? Customer1: A glass of white wine for me, please. Customer2: I'll have a coke. Waiter: Okay. I'll be back in a few minutes. [Waiter returns with food and drinks.] Waiter: Here you go. A pizza, a salad, a hamburger, a glass of white wine, and a coke. Customer1: Thank you. Customer2: Great, thanks. Waiter: The total is 25 euros. Customer1: Here you go. Waiter: Here is your change. Enjoy your meal. Customer1 & Customer2: Thank you.

1.Prove that a2 + b2 + c2 = 3abc if a, b, c are in geometric progression. 2.Find the sum of the first 10 terms of the G.P: 6, 18, 54, ... 3.Find the value of a for which the quadratic equation 3x2 − 5ax + 7 = 0 has equal roots. 4.Find the sum of elements of the matrix 2/3 > 1/3 < 2/5 5.Find the equation of the straight line passing through (1, -2) and parallel to the line y = 2x + 1 6.If the roots of equation f(x) = 0 are 2, 3, 4. Express f(x) as the product of linear factors. 7.Prove that the surface of the right circular cone is equal to half of the circumference of its base times its height. 8.Solve for x: x3 + 5x = 39 9.Show that the three medians of a triangle are concurrent. 10.Find the equation of a circle with centre at (2,-3) and radius 5. 11.Find the inverse of the function y = 2x + 1 12.Find the equation of a hyperbola with foci (2,1) and (−2,1).