Literal Questions: 1. What was the size of the bag Mr. MacGregor had in chapter three? 2. How many kites did Tyler and the gang make in chapter four? 3. What went wrong with the kite in chapter four? Inferential Questions: 1. What can be inferred about Tyler and the MacGregors' relationship in chapter three? 2. How does Tyler feel when the kite does not fly at first in chapter four? 3. Why does Tyler use the old kite in chapter four? Evaluative Questions: 1. What do you think was the most effective way Tyler and the gang tried to get the aliens' attention? 2. Do you think Tyler and the MacGregors have the same leadership style? 3. What do you think would have happened if the aliens saw their plan? Vocabulary Questions: 1. What does "amazed" mean in the context of chapter three? 2. What does "predicament" mean in the context of chapter four? 3. What does "concoct" mean in the context of chapter four?

1. Canny edge detection is best suited for: A. Lightening the contrast of an image B. Sharpening the edges of an image C. Detecting edges in an image D. Morphologically transforming an image Answer: C. Detecting edges in an image 2. What factor influences the success of Canny edge detection? A. The lighting of the image B. The size of the Gaussian kernel C. The variance of the kernel D. The brightness of the image Answer: B. The size of the Gaussian kernel 3. What is the ratio between low and high thresholds used by the Canny edge detection algorithm? A. 10:1 B. 1:2 C. 2:1 D. 1:10 Answer: C. 2:1

Lesson 1: Introduction to 2D and 3D Shapes Objective: Students will gain an introductory understanding of different 2D and 3D shapes and their properties. Activity: The teacher will first present 2D shapes like triangles, quadrilaterals, pentagons, and hexagons while explaining their properties. After that, they will present 3D shapes like cubes, cuboid, cylinder, cone, and pyramid. The teacher can present physical as well as digital models of these shapes to further clarify their characteristics. Lesson 2: Nets of 3D Objects Objective: Students will understand what net of an object is and how to form such nets for 3D shapes. Activity: The teacher will present different 3D shapes, their shapes, and their net, which can be physical models as well as a digital diagram. After that, the students will be asked to try and form the net for a given 3D shape. The student should be given the opportunity to use their creative and analytical thinking by figuring out the shapes and pieces of the net on their own. Lesson 3: Group Activity Objective: Students will work together in a group to create a 3D net. Activity: The teacher will divide the class into different small groups and present them with a given 3D shape. Each group should be given physical building sets and they should create a 3D net of the given shape. The group should also be asked to explain and share their approach, strategy, and result with the rest of the class after completing their task. Lesson 4: Drawing a Net Objective: Students will learn how to draw a net for 3D shapes on paper. Activity: The teacher will present the students with different diagrams of 3D shapes and ask them to try to draw the corresponding net on a paper. The teacher should ensure that the students are aware of the properties of the shapes and familiar with the different attributes required for creating the net. Online resources can be used for extra guidance and practice. Lesson 5: Digital Task Objective: Students will learn how to build a 3D net in an online environment. Activity: The students will be given access to an online platform where they can build 3D nets with the help of given tools. The students should be encouraged to think analytically and creatively while working on the task. After completing their task, the students can share their creations with the rest of the class. Lesson 6: Summative Assessment Objective: Students will identify 3D objects and their nets accurately. Activity: The teacher will present the students with different examples of 3D objects and their nets. The students should be asked to identify if the given 3D object matches with the given net accurately or not. This activity should also be done both physically and digitally.

Lesson One--Introduction to the Inuits Activity: Introduce the Inuits through powerpoint slideshow with factual information and pictorial images. Lesson Two--Inuit Customs and Culture Activity: Divide the class into groups and complete a research task focused on traditional Inuit customs and culture. Draw a map detailing Inuit settlements and have students write a summary of their findings. Lesson Three--Inuit Traditional Clothing Activity: Research and draw a variety of Inuit traditional garments and discuss their features and how these clothes are adapted for the cold climate of the Arctic. Lesson Four--Inuit Art Forms Activity: Introduce the students to the various art forms of the Inuit, such as soapstone carving and traditional throat singing, and complete a school project designing and creating a Inuit style puppet. Lesson Five--Inuit Traditional Storytelling Activity: Read a traditional Inuit legend and provide written instructions for the puppet show, which the students can use during their school performance. Lesson Six--Inuit Culture and the Environment Activity: Introduce the concept of the Inuit culture’s close relationship with the environment, and have students present the findings of their research in a written report. Additionally, provide an art project of creating a poster that depicts the ways in which Inuits use resources from the land.

Lesson 1: Introduction to the Five Pillars Materials needed: Chart paper, markers Warm up: Begin by asking students to explain what they think a “pillar” is and why it might be important. Main activity: On a chart paper, draw a graphic of the five pillars of Islam and explain what each pillar is and its significance. Key points should include the following: • Shahadah: the profession of faith, witnessing that “There is no god but Allah and Muhammad is His messenger.” • Salah: the ritual prayer prescribed five times daily • Zakat: the annual donation of a portion of one’s wealth and goods • Sawm: fasting during the month of Ramadan • Hajj: pilgrimage to Mecca once in a lifetime if physically and financially able. Closure: Re-state the importance and detail of each of the five pillars of Islam and have students summarize how the pillars guide an individual’s practice of the faith. Lesson 2: Role Play Materials needed: Scripts, props Warm-up: Ask the students what they remember from the last lesson about the five pillars of Islam. Ask them to explain how they think a person would live if they practiced each pillar. Main activity: Writing Activity—In pairs, students create a script for a role-play activity illustrating one of the pillars (e.g., Zakat). Have each pair present their script to the class. Role-Play Activity (Optional)—Have student groups perform these role-plays for the class. Provide props to use in the role-plays, such as pretend money or food items. Closure: Ask students to recap the major points of a specific pillar and why it is important to Islamic practice. Lesson 3: Visit a Mosque Materials needed: Mosque Visit Warm-up: Ask students to explain what a mosque is and how it is used. Main activity: Visit a local mosque and have a tour. Have the imam give a talk about the significance of the five pillars of Islam and how they are practiced in the mosque. Have him explain any special practices that they offer, such as special prayer services on Fridays or charity collections. Closure: Have each student explain what they learned from the visit, connecting it to the five pillars. Encourage students to ask questions to the imam about the concepts presented.

1. How did the narrator show bravery in chapter 3? 2. What did the narrator learn about Bravery from the jockey? 3. What type of animal did Billy try to ride on the first day? 4. How did Billy prove himself to the jockey in chapter 3? 5. How did the jockey help Billy to become brave? 6. What happened at the end of chapter 3 that showed how far Billy had come? 7. How did Billy's bravery and strength of character help him at the end of chapter 3? 8. What qualities did Billy display in chapter 3 that enabled him to succeed? 9. How did the Butterfly Lion help Billy to become brave? 10. What lesson did the narrator learn from Billy's story of bravery in chapter 3?

Objectives: 1. Students will identify important characteristics of good leadership in team sports. 2. Students will be able to explain the importance of leadership in team sports and how it impacts the success of a team. Materials: 1. Whiteboard 2. Markers 3. Pictures of team sports Introduction (5 minutes): Good morning everyone. Today we're going to focus on a topic that is often overlooked in many sports: leadership. Leadership is essential in any team sport, as it sets the tone and contributes to the overall success of the entire team. Today, we'll explore the importance of good leadership in team sports, and how it can help a team succeed. Discussion (10 minutes): Now, let's start by discussing the importance of leadership in team sports. What are some important characteristics of a good leader, and how do they impact the success of their team? [Allow students to discuss and brainstorm ideas]. Some possible points to discuss: • Good leaders are organized, reliable, and have a clear vision for the team. • Good leaders motivate and encourage their team members. • Good leaders set a positive example for their team and are role models for their players. • Good leaders are able to bring out the best in their team and push them to higher levels of success. • Good leaders provide constructive criticism in order to help their team improve. Activity (15 minutes): Now, let's look at some pictures of teams in action and identify their leaders. [Show students a few pictures of teams in action and ask them to identify who appears to be the leader in each situation.] Afterwards, discuss why it is important to identify the leader in these situations. [Encourage students to explain why leaders are important in team sports and how they can contribute to the success of the team.] Conclusion (10 minutes): In summary, today we learned how important good leadership is in team sports. Leaders play an important role in helping teams succeed and reach their goals. Now let's review the characteristics of a good leader that we discussed earlier. [Allow students to recap the characteristics of a good leader]. Great job everyone! That concludes our lesson today, thank you for your participation!

Verse #1 There comes a character who views life be it strange By Any Other Name shows us a dissimilar range She has undertaken an adventure and toil Her story of acceptance is one great spoil Verse #2 She is determined and strong, with a will to prevail Dealing with gender dysphoria she uses courage to not fail Our protagonist has stories which will make one tear But she's perseverant despite her fear Verse #3 When she struggled against society expectations Our main character could only be inspired by a true activation So she fought against those with a homophobic perception Living authentically and not for the sake of deception Verse #4 Listening to her heart and ignoring the noise She moved on with her life with her own conscious choice A story of self-discovery and empowerment A powerful journey that taught her a lesson Verse #5 Making her own decisions in life no matter the trouble An inspiration to anybody, of any age or couple By Any Other Name's main character has pulled through A story of overcoming for us all to pursue.

Objective: At the end of this lesson, students should be able to understand what harassment and bullying are, discuss and identify appropriate behavior, and recognize the impacts of bullying and harassment and the resources available for victims. Lesson Plan: I. Introduction (15 min) A. Discuss and define harassment and bullying B. Show an example of harassment and bullying II. Group Discussions (15 min) A. Identify different types of harassment and bullying B. Discuss ways to prevent harassment and bullying III. Impact of Harassment and Bullying (15 min) A. Discuss the physical and emotional impacts of bullying B. Establish pathways for impact prevention IV. Resources for Victims (15 min) A. Explain school and community resources for victims B. Explain local and national laws V. Wrap Up (5 min) A. Summarize the main points and activities from the lesson B. Review the objectives of the lesson C. Address any remaining questions

Optimus Prime has a mission to build 5 new Transformers from spare parts. He has 800 parts total, and each transformer needs 160 parts. How many Transformers will Optimus be able to build?